What I do is fueled by curiosity and passion. I’m currently deep in the study of Vedic astrology (and am offering readings below 👇).
Previous Work
In a recent past chapter, I was the founder of Corecircle and Nasty Fit.
I was awarded Forbes 30 Under 30 and the Thiel Fellowship.
In an older chapter, I was a fitness content creator and powerlifter.
PRs: squat 245 lbs, bench 155 lbs, and deadlift 330 lbs :)
I am a big fan of Carl Jung. In 2023, while reading Mysterium Coniunctionis, I came across something totally unexpected—Jung writing about astrology and how he used his clients' birth charts to better understand their subconscious. I also found that he wrote letters to Freud sharing his observations. That set me off on a quest to find out for myself if astrology was indeed "real."
And, my response to that is, real it is! My thinking went from, "We can manifest anything we want!" to "Oh, most of our lives are actually pre-destined." After much analysis using predictive techniques such as transits and the Vimshottari dasa, it became clear that there’s something "larger than life" at play—something deeply fated.
I believe everything is a manifestation of God, and that God gave us tools to help understand things around us better, including our own lives. And now, I’m convinced that astrology is one of the best tools for self-improvement.
Now, I’m offering a reading on my favorite thing to predict and analyze—love and relationships. I use mainly Vedic techniques. Some Western.
Relationship & Love Reading
My reading goes over these important questions:
- When will you meet someone significant?
- What are his/her qualities?
- What do you need in a relationship?
- Are you a good reciprocal for who you want to attract?
- What can be stopping you from attracting real love?
As part of the reading, I’ll provide a list of relationship "trigger" dates—specific times when romance is most likely to enter your life and how serious or not it will be.
I also tend to dive into vulnerable and personal aspects with the client. For example, it’s one thing to predict that Sally will meet someone significant in Spring—great, the timing is down. But how fulfilling will it be if Sally has deep-seated relationship fears and self-love struggles? Or if she keeps attracting men who are not that serious about her? Astrology, combined with honest conversations, can uncover these patterns and help address them.
I look forward to our reading together!
- Nastassia

Nastassia Ponomarenko
1 hr 30 min
150 US dollars